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Digital manifestation planner

Digital manifestation planner

Vanlig pris 49,00 NOK
Vanlig pris 149,00 NOK Salgspris 49,00 NOK
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Instant download: No waiting required – as soon as you make your purchase, a download link will be sent directly to your email. This means you can start planning, setting intentions, and taking inspired actions right away. Embrace the convenience of having your manifestation tool ready at your fingertips, allowing you to harness the universe's energy and create the life you desire

Hey there, fellow dreamer! I want to share something that's been close to my heart—a digital planner that's more like a gentle nudge of encouragement for those days when you need it most. I've been in those tough spots, feeling stuck and unsure how to shift things. That's why I've poured my own journey into crafting this planner.

🗓️ Daily Manifestation & Reflection: Start your mornings in a way that uplifts your spirit. This page isn't about grand promises, but about setting intentions and reflecting on your path. Small steps toward positivity can make a world of difference.

🙏 Daily Gratitude: Gratitude is a beautiful tool for shifting perspective. On this page, you can write down what you're thankful for each day—no matter how small. It's a simple practice that slowly shifts your focus towards the good.

🌙 Monthly Reflection & Manifestation: Life moves in chapters, and it's okay to pause and reflect. Look back on your journey, celebrate growth, and gently set intentions for the month ahead.

🌟 Yearly Reflection: The big picture matters, but so do the little moments that shape it. Use this page to celebrate your progress and to acknowledge the journey, not just the destination.

📊 Habit Tracker: We all have habits we want to embrace. This tracker isn't about becoming perfect overnight. It's about acknowledging the small victories on your path to becoming the best version of yourself.

🎨 Vision Board: Dreams can be like stars—guiding lights in the darkness. Let this page remind you of those dreams. It's not a promise of instant success, but a visual reminder of where you're headed.

💬 Affirmations: Our thoughts shape our reality. I've included affirmations inspired by the law of assumption. They're not a magic fix, but a tool to gradually reshape your mindset, just as they've helped me.

With 10 pages with hyperlinks, this digital planner is my humble way of saying, "I've been there too." It's not about unlocking an instant new life, but about embracing positivity and possibility, even when it's tough.

Here's to starting your day on a brighter note and focusing on your dreams. We're in this together, taking one step at a time. 


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